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These Files are a result of 37 years of research into my family
and my wife's family trees.
They are presented here for your free use!

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Notes for William Cleaton-Clayton

1. William CLAYTON/CLEATON, M. ? Born ca 1667. William died in Richmond Co.,Va in 1705; he was 38.

1694 - Richmond Co.,Va. - Deed for land formerly purchased by William Clayton on the Totuskey.

1705 - William Clayton with 50 other merchants and planters sign Petition.

9 Nov 1705 - Richmond Co.,Va. - Will of William Cleaton
In the name of God Amen, I William Cleaton of the County of Richmond in Virginia Being Sick and weak in body but with sound mind and memory and knowing the ftraylty of this life has & made this my Last Will and Testament, first I bequeath my soul to God that Gave it me in Sure and Certain hopes of the Resurrection mentioned by the death of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and my Body to be buryed in such manner as the friends that I know shale think fitt and after my debts are payd. for that finale? Estate that it hath pleased God to possess me with all I Good in manner and forme following viz

I Give unto ALEXANDER CLEATON and STEPHEN CLEATON my two YOUNGER SONS the plantation and Land that I now live on to them and their heirs Lawfully begotten of them & then to be Equally Divided Between those two when they Come to the age of Seventeen, but if they are taught to read and write then it Shall not be till they come to nineteen years of age.

Item. I give unto my DAUGHTER MARY CLEATON one young mare branded with a K with all her future increase to be given when she comes to the age of Sixteen or day of marriage.

Item. I Give unto my SON WILLIAM CLEATON a Chest that hath my name and date enggraved upon it and an Iron pot stille? to be given when he comes to the age of seventeen, but if taught to read and write then not till he comes to the age of nineteen.

Item. I give unto my Two DAUGHTERS ELIZABETH and HANNAH CLEATON Each of them a two year old Heifer to be given when they come to the age of Sixteen or day of marriage.

Item. I given unto my SON ALEXANDER CLEATON my Spoone Moulds and if he dyed before STEPHEN then is my will that STEPHEN shall have the moulds and if WILLIAM CLEATON is the Longest Lived then he and his heirs shall possess the moulds.

Item. I given unto my WIFE all the Rest of my Estate and Lastly I make my WIFE my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament making VOID all other wills heretofore made by me. In Confirmation hereof I have interchangeably sett my hand and Seal this the nineth day of December 1705.

William (X) Cleaton SEAL*
Witnesses: John Leaman(?)
William Linton
William Landsman

the words he dyed underlined before Signed.

Proved in Richmond Court by the oaths of Wm. Lynton and William Landsman the 6th day of March 1705 & recorded.

Test. B. S. Sherloik C. Clerk (?)

"How can a tangled web that appears so open be so impregnable as when we try to pierce it when we delve into genealogy!"
-Jerry A. Penley-

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